Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. The Goodness of God

    3. Legitimacy

    4. Assignments

    5. Assignment #1: The Five Areas of Legitmacy

    6. Assignment #2: Legitimacy Statements

    7. Assignment #3: Legitimacy Crutches

    8. Assignment #4: Realistic Implementation

    9. Tools for Change

    10. Legitimacy Blessing

    11. Downloadable Audio: Legitimacy Blessing

    1. Prophet: Introduction

    2. Prophet: The Legitimacy Lie & Wrong Behavior

    3. Prophet: Assignments

    4. Assignment #1: Legitimacy in Problem Solving

    5. Assignment #2: See it in Others

    6. Prophet: The Aramean Curse

    7. Assignment #3: Aramean Curse: Do I Have It?

    8. Prophet: Renunciation

    9. Assignment #4: Renunciation

    10. Prophet: The Truth of God's Love

    11. Prophet: Assignments

    12. Assignment #5: When Your Best Wasn't Good Enough

    13. Assignment #6: Where is it in Scripture

    14. Prophet: The Right Behavior

    15. Assignment: #8: Realistic Implementation

    16. Prophet: Spirit Blessing

    17. Downloadable Audio: Prophet Blessing

    18. Prophet: The Blessing of Hosea

    19. Assignment #7: Blessing of Hosea: Do I Have It?

    1. Servant: The Legitimacy Lie and Wrong Behavior

    2. Servant: Assignments

    3. Assignment #1: Legitimacy in Building a Platform

    4. Assignment #2: See it in Others

    5. Servant: The Moabite Curse

    6. Assignment #3: Moabite Curse: Do I Have It?

    7. Servant: Renunciation

    8. Assignment #4: Renunciation

    9. Servant: The Truth About God's Love

    10. Servant: Assignments

    11. Assignment #5: When you Failed as a Parent

    12. Assignment #6: Where is it in Scripture?

    13. Servant: The Right Behavior

    14. Servant: Spirit Blessing

    15. Downloadable Audio: Servant Blessing

    16. Servant: Assignments

    17. Assignment #7: Realistic Implementation

    18. Servant: The Blessing of Esther

    19. Assignment #8: Blessing of Esther: Do I Have It?

    1. Teacher: Legitimacy Lie and Wrong Behavior

    2. Teacher: Assignments

    3. Assignment #1: Legitimacy in Knowing

    4. Assignment #2: See it in Others

    5. Teacher: The Philistine Curse

    6. Assignment #3: Philistine Curse: Do I Have It?

    7. Teacher: Renunciation

    8. Assignment #4: Renunciation

    9. Teacher: The Truth About God's Love

    10. Assignment #5: When You Were Wrong

    11. Assignment #6: Where is it in Scripture?

    12. Teacher: The Right Behavior

    13. Teacher: Spirit Blessing

    14. Downloadable Audio: Teacher Blessing

    15. Teacher: Assignments

    16. Assignment #7: Realistic Implementation

    17. Teacher: The Blessing of Daniel

    18. Assignment #8: Blessing of Daniel: Do I Have It?

    1. Exhorter: Legitimacy Lie and Wrong Behavior

    2. Exhorter: Assignments

    3. Assignment #1: Legitimacy in Being Liked

    4. Assignment #2: See it in Others

    5. Exhorter: The Canaanite Curse

    6. Assignment #3: Canaanite Curse: Do I Have It?

    7. Exhorter: Renunciation

    8. Assignment #4: Renunciation

    9. Exhorter: The Truth About God's Love

    10. Exhorter: Assignments

    11. Assignment #5: When Nobody Likes You

    12. Assignment #6: Where is it in Scripture?

    13. Exhorter: The Right Behavior

    14. Exhorter: Spirit Blessing

    15. Downloadable Audio: Exhorter Blessing

    16. Exhorter: Assignments

    17. Assignment #7: Realistic Implementation

    18. Exhorter: The Blessing of Moses

    19. Assignment #8: Blessing of Moses: Do I Have It?

    1. Giver: Legitimacy Lie and Wrong Behavior

    2. Giver: Assignments

    3. Assignment #1: Legitimacy in Being Needed

    4. Assignment #2: See it in Others

    5. Giver: The Midianite Curse

    6. Assignment #3: Midianite Curse: Do I Have It?

    7. Giver: Renunciation

    8. Assignment #4: Renunciation

    9. Giver: The Truth About God's Love

    10. Giver: Assignments

    11. Assignment #6: Where is it in Scripture?

    12. Assignment #5: When Nobody Needs You

    13. Giver: The Right Behavior

    14. Giver: Spirit Blessing

    15. Downloadable Audio: Giver Blessing

    16. Giver: The Blessing of Job

    17. Assignment #7: Blessing of Job: Do I Have It?

    18. Assignment #8: Realistic Implementation

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  • $95.00
  • 156 lessons
  • 12 hours of video content

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